
  • Assessments

    One on one assessments of mobility, elasticity, speed, strength and power

  • Athletic Development

    Continued athletic development through all stages of life and level of sport

  • Evidence Based Training

    Data to understand your athletic profile and why we are training specific qualities in the gym

  • Custom Performance Plans

    Individualized programming to train targeted qualities that will enhance your physical and sport performance, delivered via the Teambuildr app

  • Constant Evaluation

    Ongoing re-assessment to show how training has improved your performance and to adjust your programming to ensure continued physical and athletic development

  • Goal Setting

    Specific goal setting based on your individual athletic profile to take your body’s performance to the next level

Keys to Performance

When working with athletes Jeff follows an objective and data driven approach that uses a comprehensive system of assessment, treatment, testing and programming.

First, he will ensure that all the drivers of dysfunction in your body have been addressed via an individualized physical assessment and treatment. Enabling you to optimize your true performance potential.

If you are unable to work with Jeff in person, then he offers several online training programs based on his years of experience helping injured athletes return to performance.

No matter if you work with Jeff in person or online your personalized program will use objective data to train targeted qualities that will enhance your sport performance.

Every workout is based on Jeff’s wealth of knowledge of the human body, years of experience working with athletes and a thorough needs analysis of the biomechanical requirements, physiological demands and normative data on physical performance standards.

No matter if you have battled an injury for years or are looking to break through to the next level of your sport, Jeff can help you train like an athlete. With a focus on developing speed, strength and power to optimize performance.

Finally your training progress will be constantly monitored and adjusted to ensure continued athletic development.

In Person

Work with Jeff in person at Diane Lee & Associates

Online Training Programs

Experience the difference of guided workouts to optimize performance delivered via an app